SEO Strategy: Agricultural Machinery and Farming.

Online Visibility and Lead Generation with the Corporate Website.

Our client is one of the global leaders in its industry, operating and visible across the globe – including online. However, the existing corporate website and all its country versions are not optimally structured. It has grown organically over the years, becoming hard to manage and not always up to date technologically.

While the website generates ample traffic through organic search, the aforementioned issues make it vulnerable. We observe:

  • Fluctuating rankings
  • Sudden drops in visibility
  • Content cannibalisation
  • Confusing user entry points
  • Untapped potential

All of these issues can not only impact sales figures negatively but also diminish our client's control over its most crucial channel – particularly for B2B content marketing. Together, we aim to regain control across the entire EMEA region (Europe, Middle East, Africa).

Why SEO is becoming increasingly important in the B2B sector.

B2B companies have been facing challenges for years: established distribution channels are shifting, and target audiences, especially in the agricultural and agricultural technology sectors, are becoming increasingly digital. Therefore, it's crucial for them to stabilize and expand their online visibility—not only for practical reasons but also to maintain their brand image in the digital space.

The biggest adversary here is inaction. Even established market leaders can be surpassed by 'younger' competitors or miss out on technological developments that could impact their online visibility (which typically takes significant effort to recover over time).

To avoid these pitfalls, SEO is essential. However, it requires a solid foundation and strategic coordination to be effective.

SEO for B2B: Beyond just keyword strategy.

Thoughtful keyword selection is a crucial component of every SEO strategy. However, when dealing with a client whose branded keywords are nearly as strong as generic product terms, long-term thinking becomes essential:

It's not just about achieving short-term high rankings on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). It's also about establishing thematic authority, ensuring scalability of efforts, and implementing future-proof internal workflows. A jointly developed roadmap is needed for one of the most vital lead generation tools for B2B companies: the corporate website.

The goal is to create a structure that provides both users and search engines with the optimal entry point to the product. This involves taming over a decade of organic evolution together to secure success for the years ahead.

A diagram explains the procedure for the SEO strategy used. Point one at the top of the image: Page A (e.g. product category page). Point two: Optimise for branded keyword(s) within top 20. Point three: wait, then SEO-check. Point four: Optimise for generic keyword(s) within top 20. Four sub-points follow on from point four. First sub-point: There are desirable synonyms (search volumes small to mid). This leads to: Optimise for synonyms. Second sub-point: There are desirable use cases/longtale keywords (search volumes small to mid). This leads to: Optimise for use case by adding content. Third sub-item: there are desirable synonyms (search volume small to mid). This leads to: create new page with backlink. 4th sub-item: There are desirable use cases/longtail keywords (search volume >= main keywords). This leads to: create new page with backlink. | © wob AG

Components of an international SEO Strategy

A SEO strategy establishes the guidelines we follow. To generate value internationally, it must answer many questions.

  • Analysis of Prioritised Country Websites: What works and what doesn’t? What do we build on? What is effective globally and what locally?
  • Keyword Strategy: Which search queries do we want to secure? What is realistic?
  • Structural Adjustments and Link Concept: Where do we place valuable content most effectively within the site structure? How do we link it?
  • Prevention of Cannibalisation: How do we ensure that content does not compete with each other and that customers land where they should? How do we send clear signals to Google?
  • Workflows for Internal Editors: How do we publish new content on the site? How do we identify where existing optimisation potentials lie? How do we act in each case? How do we adapt global content to a country level?
  • Technical Optimisations: How do we protect the corporate website from Google Core Updates? How do we ensure a good user experience for customers and prospects?

The goal of the SEO strategy: driving traffic, generating leads, and fostering customer retention.

The goal of the SEO strategy is to strengthen the corporate website as a magnet for organic traffic over the coming years, directing user flows, generating leads through increased visibility of specific products, and ultimately enhancing customer retention through positive experiences on the corporate website.

Initial results from optimized pages demonstrate complete success.

Around four months after the initial implementations in the product area, we have observed the first positive results:

  • Page visits on product category page X have more than tripled compared to a similar period before the optimizations!
  • Page visits have doubled compared to the same period last year!
  • Conversions on product category page X have almost quadrupled compared to a similar period before the optimizations!
  • Conversions have nearly tripled compared to the same period last year!
  • Similar improvements are seen in page views and dwell time in the optimized product area.
  • The main competitor has been displaced from the top position.
  • This approach will now be rolled out to additional countries.
You can see a simple yellow bar chart without context information on a green background. The bars increase in size from left to right. | © wob AG

Do you have any questions about the project?

Let's discuss it.

The picture shows a portrait of Matthias Specht. He is wearing a dark-coloured shirt and smiling slightly at the camera. The background is dark. | © wob AG

Matthias Specht

Co-Chief Executive Officer

+49 6204 970-273matthias.specht@wob.ag