The new wob: Creating impactful experiences with data, tech, and creativity.


Creating Impactful Experiences with Data, Tech and Creativity.

Changed user behaviors among target audiences, increased competitive pressure, rapidly accelerating innovation speeds, coupled with the explosion of communication possibilities, increasing complexity, and the opportunities presented by artificial intelligence—all of these present new challenges for marketing professionals in B2B brands and are changing the rules of the game.

In response to these evolving demands, wob is repositioning itself and focusing on the future imperatives of successful marketing. wob positions itself at the intersection of management consulting, digital agencies, and traditional advertising agencies as architects of profitable customer experiences. Maintaining a market focus on major B2B brands and products requiring explanation remains core.

Das Bild zeigt einen Astronauten, der einen Astronautenhelm trägt, aber auch ein gelbes Businessjackett und eine Krawatte. Er geht eine belebte Straße in einer Großstadt entlang. | © wob AG
Driving Business ©wob AG

In recent months, wob has devised, conceived, and managed integrated solutions for major clients in this dynamic environment, combining these themes. Customers recognize the significant added value of this approach. In this context, wob has decided to focus future efforts on such holistic services.

We are placing the theme of EXPERIENCE even more prominently at the center of our work for clients. Our strengths lie in strategic consulting, handling communication and sales-related data, pragmatic use of marketing technologies, and creative storytelling. These form the basis for CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, delivering measurable value contribution from marketing to business success.

In short, our new promise is:

wob – The Experience Architects.

Inspiring People. Driving Business.

Creating Impactful Experiences with Data, Tech and Creativity.

These are themes that have long engaged us, creating significant value for our clients through their consistent combination. We reflect market needs for genuine customer orientation and a holistic view of marketing and sales, alongside marketing as a driver of company growth.

The Experience Architects.

We understand EXPERIENCE as a guiding principle for a brand across the customer journey—not merely another marketing discipline.

Positive brand experiences are seen as crucial differentiators for successful brands.

Das Bild zeigt eine Szene in einer Großstadt. Verschwommen zu sehen sind Menschen, die durch eine Straße laufen. Rechts und links ziehen sich dunkle Hochhäuser nach oben. Weit in der Ferne ist ein Stück gelblich gefärbter Himmel zu sehen. Zwischen den Menschen leuchten gelbe Verbindungslinien auf und erhellen das eher düstere Erscheinungsbild. | © wob AG
Experience Architects ©wob AG

As architects, our focus is on strategic advice to clients, supporting them in navigating the increasing complexity of marketing. Together, we develop methodical plans aligned with the company's business objectives. To understand and solve business challenges, we adopt a pragmatic challenger mindset, going beyond mere communication tasks. We advise on topics such as marketing strategy, innovation management, AI, Data & MarTech, and overarching Customer Experience Management.

Inspiring People. Driving Business.

Effective communication today is aimed at individuals. Therefore, we focus on a customer-centric approach that goes beyond the still prevalent product communication in B2B marketing, placing inspiration of people at the center. We believe in the power of inspiring communication. It changes mindsets, evokes emotions, and initiates actions.

Das Bild zeigt ein Ganzkörperfoto einer Person, die zentriert vor einer grauen, sauberen Betonwand steht und deren Kopf von einer großen gelben Wolke umgeben ist.  | © wob AG
Inspiring People ©wob AG
Dieses surreale Bild zeigt Menschen, die sich in einem holographischen Aquarium bewegen. Es sieht aus, als gingen die Menschen im Aquarium herum, während um sie herum gelbe Fische schweben.  Im vorderen Zentrum des Bildes steht eine junge Frau in einer gelben Bluse. | © wob AG
Experience ©wob AG

Creating Impactful Experiences with Data, Tech and Creativity.

We create individual and differentiating experiences through deep understanding of data and deriving insights, judicious use of marketing technology essential for true digital personalization, and through creative storytelling as the core of individually effective measures.

While these themes can be found in the market, the greatest value for customers lies precisely at the intersection: We approach consultancy more pragmatically than large consultants, are closer to the daily demands of marketing departments in using data solutions and MarTech than large tech service providers, and have a greater understanding of digital, data-driven communication solutions than most advertising agencies.

This picture shows a street in a large city. The street is full of business people who can be seen from behind, walking between tall buildings away from the camera towards the sunny horizon. They are holding lines of floating, transparent yellow balloons with numbers written on them. The balloons are illuminated by the sunlight.  | © wob AG
Data, tech and creativity ©wob AG

The result: digital platforms, campaigns for awareness, LeadGen or Account-based Marketing, and creative concepts that not only stand out but also achieve real impact. We design experiences that inspire, connect, and advance brands.

We have restructured our organization in line with wob's new direction to support our clients even more agilely with their challenges. Externally, we express this transformation through a new wob design.

 If you want to learn more about what the new wob can do for you: www.wob.ag/en

Get in touch with us: Matthias Specht, Co-CEO, matthias.specht@wob.ag, 0049 6204 970-273